Pronto and ERP Systems

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, which is the organisation of main business processes, usually supported by software or technology.

ERP systems are software that help the management of your core business operations, such as invoicing, sales, procurement, payroll, HR, accounting, project management and job costing, manufacturing and material requirements planning (MRP), point of sale/retail, stock or inventory management, quality control, supply chain, warehousing and distribution. These systems help your business flow through these processes, recording key data and performing financial calculations along the way, to give you a record of what has occurred in the past; reporting to know how your business is performing now; and forecasting to help predict future performance.

ERP systems give you control and visibility over your business. In the past, a lot of recording about business processes was done in disparate databases, on paper and in spreadsheets, meaning information was disconnected and not always reliable. ERP systems are a type of information system, or database, that bring all of this information together in one location, allowing for better planning and workflow, better data integrity and uniformity, consistent fast reporting and sharing of information across the business, improved financial controls, and reduced risk.

In this age of Big Data, having information stored in a central database that is accurate, relevant, comparable and timely, is essential for any business.

Pronto Xi Software is one type of ERP software that can be hosted on your business premises, or in the cloud (which is becoming more common for today’s businesses).

Here are a few links to websites with more information about Pronto:

Link: Pronto Software

Pronto Software is an Australian developer of award winning business management and analytics solutions. Pronto Xi, its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, integrates accounting, operational and mobile features in a single system. It is designed to help you manage key aspects of your day-to-day business operations – from financials, marketing, distribution, supply chain, asset and facility management to manufacturing – all within one fully integrated system.

Link: Software Connect - Pronto-Xi ERP Software

This SoftwareConnect website gives a great overview of Pronto and really goes into considerable detail about each module in Pronto Xi, even some of the lesser-known ones. It does mention Pronto BI Designer, which is usually referred to as ‘Cognos’ or ‘Cognos BI’. You can ignore the star rating - this is one person’s review is related to the article, not the product. Worth a read if you are thinking about purchasing the software.

Link: Wikipedia - Pronto Software

Wikipedia provides some basic information about Pronto software, the company, its history and its partners. The current version is Pronto Xi 750, which is a cloud-based solution.

Link: Featured Customers - Pronto Software

Featured Customers provides some case studies and customer reviews about the product, as well as an average customer rating.